Don't forget the workshop is on the 31st August 2011 at 7pm at the Aitkenvale library room.Ten dollar fee.
Hi Writers in Townsville
We’ve got exciting, free workshops aimed at writers curious about crime writing coming up in Townsville and Cairns on 17 and 18 September respectively. I hope you can make it, They’re free for Queensland Writers Centre members and $115 for non-members. Details below:
Crime fiction writer PM Newton is coming to North Queensland (Townsville - 17 Sept, Cairns - 18 Sept) to take you into the dark and suspenseful world of crime fiction.
PM Newton will introduce you to the seething underbelly of crime writing and arm you with the ammo that will give you the confidence to get started with a life of crime.
This workshop is designed for beginners interested in learning the basics of beginnings, plot, structure, setting, and suspense. This workshop is FREE to QWC members so book soon to avoid disappointment..
Bookings essential: phone (07)3842 9922 or visit the QWC website.
Just to reiterate: Wits is a member of QWC so anyone who is a paid up member of Wits for this year (2011) is FREE
Also: Writers should support these regional events. The more bums on seats the more workshops etc we will have up here.
The shortlist for the 2011 Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards has been announced.
The Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards is one of the richest and most diverse literary awards programs in Australia, with a proud history of recognising, celebrating and supporting outstanding Australian writers on a national scale.
Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on Tuesday 6 September.
Also here are two web sites that one our members found helpful
Shaun is a writer of war/fantasy/SF. His novel is complete and is in the dreaded editing stage.
This is Shaun's second workshop. The last one on weapons was amazing. Guns, spears, ammo, bombs,swords and bows and arrows. It just makes you want to go and write a fight scene.
Here is a run down of his up and coming mini workshop.
For WiTs; Mini workshop on researching for Zicastor.
A brief rundown of how I prepared for the writing of my novel Zicastor:
A quick overview on:-
What inspired me to write.
How I created my characters
What tools I used to get my story started and flowing.
How I researched weapons and tactics
And what I’ve done since finishing the novel.
Very happy to answer questions throughout