Xmas dinner this year was not only our final WITS get together for 2009 but also the venue for the exciting announcement of our illustrious Poetry Competition Winners.
Equal first prize winners were:
Dianna Messervy from Yungabuura “Molly Taylor 1934”
Dianna gave me permission to read out her poem. Thank you Dianna it was a lovely piece.
Jennifer Garvey “At the End”. We had the pleasure of having Jenny attend our dinner and read out her poem.
Second Prize went to: Casey Salt :“Ex Libris”
Congratulations to all three winners & Honourable mentions.
Aimee Norton’s “Jewel Case/ For An Electric Landscape”
Andy Frost “Cyclone Watch”
“Beneath the Camouflage of Spear Grass” Melanie Busato.
General Comments from our judges Dr Mary Cassolin & Dr Sylvia Kelso
A number of poems surfaced at the top of the entries for this competition, all very evenly matched, and making final choices, as the results indicate, quite difficult. Some poets also submitted several poems, and among these were strong bodies of work rather than outstanding single pieces, though one such appears in the honourable mentions, with the experimental and very interesting but not yet quite finalised “Jewel Case / For An Electric Landscape.”
The prize-winning poems prevailed because they were the most polished of strong but fresh variations on very well-worked topics, age, death, and the fate of readers, writers and books. We congratulate the winners, but also, and very warmly, the honourable mentions, and we would like to thank everyone who entered the competition. Your work may not be mentioned here, but it was read and appreciated.
As President of WITS I am so proud of what we have accomplished this year, thanks to our very hard working and dedicated committee. Peter Hurst Secretary, Stephen Ryan treasures, Kerry Ashwin events co-ordinator and Nikesh Muralli for his wonderful efforts at keeping our blog site up to date. I am going to list some of our achievements for the year. Not necessarily in chronological order.
Our recommencement next year will be the first Wed in February (3rd) and we have something very special planned. More on that later.
Please note the date right now in your 2010 diary. Invitations will be sent out with a RSVP date.
Yours in Writing
Lori Hurst
I Love You, But I Need My Friends
My bed is all yours tonight, it's warm,
I'm meeting Merlin in his favourite
gay bar in South Melbourne.
On the tram there I persuade a woman
reading Milan Kundera's latest novel
to kiss me and accept my hardback
copy of Coleridge's Collected Poems
in exchange for her underpants.
In the bar this wealthy blonde guy
is trying to get Merlin interested.
Merlin wants a woman tonight,
but he's left his wand in a saucepan
of lasagne at Silvio's house.
(We must visit Silvio. I'm worried.
His habit of pissing in his goldfish pond
is killing the goldfish.)
I lend him a chopstick, and at 1AM
he leaves for a brothel near Camelot,
telling me to sleep in the Botanical Gardens
because it's warm and the statues need company.
On the tram there I persuade a woman
reading Goethe in translation
to give me her underpants
in exchange for the other chopstick.
In the Gardens it's too late to have
an earnest conversation with King George,
so I ask him his star sign,
and to my delight he's an Aries, like you.
To learn more about the poet and his books visit http://www.globusz.com/Authors/Michael.php
Thanks and cheers
Kerry P
Since then he has published 4 novels, 5 other books, numerous short stories and articles, teaches Creative Writing at Griffith University on the Gold Coast, and is is a founding editor of Inprint: the short story magazine , and the Griffith Review, a national journal renowned for both good writing and the promotion of public debate on the issues of the day.
He regularly reviews for The Weekend Australian, and has also won two Premier’s Literary Awards. Recognised in Brisbane Literary Walk, his Cairns visit has been sponsored by the Queensland Writers Centre.
While in Cairns the author will also hold a workshop for writers at Arts Nexus on from 9.30-12.30pm on Saturday 20 August . Bookings for both events are essential. Phone Shangri-La Hotel on 4052 7639 or Arts Nexus on 4051 4433.
Click on image for larger version.
The State Library of Queensland is pleased to announce the return of its exciting national travelling public events initiative – The Australian Poetry Slam 2009 – which is again available to public libraries to participate in QLD between August and October 2009.
In 2008 nine public libraries throughout QLD took part by hosting a Poetry Slam heat & workshops (see details below). Two winners from each heat then travelled to the State Library in Brisbane in October last year to compete in the QLD final in front of over 220 people. The top two QLD finalists - poets from Brisbane and Longreach - were then flown to compete in the national final in December in The Sydney Opera House.
What is a Poetry Slam?
Since its creation in the 1980’s by Marc Smith in Chicago, slam has spread throughout the US and across the globe. Each year, teams from American and European cities compete in the US National Poetry Slam, an extravagant festival which attracts audiences in their thousands.
Australia Slam
In the past three years, Poetry Slams have increasingly attracted the imagination of audiences and the media in Australia. Slams have been hosted by the State Library of NSW, The Sydney Opera House, The Festival of Sydney, The Sydney Writers & Melbourne Writer’s Festivals, ABC & Triple J radio as well as the highly regarded Performance Poetry World Cup held annually in Nimbin, NSW.
Queensland has one of the largest poetry slam scenes in Australia. Monthly slams are held in Brisbane as well as two major slam competitions: the Australian Poetry Slam – QLD heats and the Woodford Folk Festival WordFood Slam. Both of these 2007 events attracted final audiences of 200-300 people of all ages and backgrounds and received media coverage in The Courier Mail and on ABC & Triple J radio.
Who will be involved?
Australian Poetry Slam 2009 - Queensland will be run by three facilitators: slam coordinator David ‘Ghostboy’ Stavanger who will be assisted by award-winning performance poets Benedict Coyne (2008 Queensland Winner) and Tessa Leon who will run one heat each.
David ‘Ghostboy’ Stavanger will again coordinate the QLD leg of the Australian Slam 2009, following on from him establishing this event in QLD on behalf of SLQ in 2007. Recognized as one of Australia’s premier performance poets and slam mc/workshop facilitators, his work has been widely published internationally and he has performed at a number of major festivals including the Sydney Writers Festival, Brisbane Writers Festival, Woodford Folk Festival, and in 2008 as part of the NightWords festival at The Sydney Opera House, the Tasmanian Poetry Festival, and the Byron Bay Writers Festival.
Tessa Leon is one of Brisbane’s most exciting new slam voices. In 2007 Tessa won Brisbane City Council’s Poetry Unearthed competition, as well as being a finalist at the Australian Poetry Slam – SLQ heats, QLD Poetry Festival and Woodford Folk Festival slams.
What will they do?
At the time of each heat either David, Benedict or Tessa will visit their designated Library for 2-3 days. They will facilitate two workshops: one x two (2) hour youth writing and performance workshop plus one x two (2) hour adult writing and performance workshop. Your delegated host poet will also coordinate the running of and MC the slam heat and perform a feature set of their own work. Additionally they will be on hand for assisting in the final set up of the heat venue & local media interviews.
What promotional material will be provided?
The State Library of Queensland will provide all participating venues with media kits, templates, branding, images and promotional materials such as postcards. David ‘Ghostboy’ Stavanger will also assist in arranging and making him self available for any media interviews in the lead up to the slam.
Why get involved?
• This is a great opportunity for both state and public libraries to work cooperatively and participate in one of the fastest growing national poetry slams.
• The competition is a fun way for libraries to engage with young and diverse members of the local community
• It presents a great opportunity for public libraries to work closely with local writers/performers, writers’ centres, venues and festivals
• It encourages your area to develop its own spoken word/poetry scene community.
When do the heats need to be held?
Heats are to be held between August and September 2009. Target dates for potential heats have been worked out for each area in this period but can be negotiated further directly with David Ghostboy Stavanger.
Are there any special requirements?
If suitable, the slam heats could be held inside or on the grounds of your public library. However, working with a suitable local venue or linking the slam heats to a local festival or literary event is another good option.
Running the workshops within the library and the actual slam heat at a local partnered venue or festival proved to be highly successful in 2007 & 2008. This can all be discussed in greater detail with David Ghostboy Stavanger, who will assist your library with seeking local support and developing partnerships with venues and festivals in your area.
What costs are involved?
In 2009 The State Library of Queensland will cover all marketing, workshop and coordinator fees, travel and accommodation for host/performers as well as travel and accommodation to Brisbane for the State Finals in October for the top 2 heat winners.
Catering at the heat events is an option for libraries and any catering costs incurred would be paid by the individual library themselves. Another optional cost at the heat is the booking of a local emerging act to feature & promote local talent at the actual heat.
Again, this can all be discussed in greater detail with David Ghostboy Stavanger.
Please note: a $500.00 contribution fee has been requested by the State Library from each participating Library (unless otherwise agreed).
What are the next steps?
Our slam coordinator David Ghostboy Stavanger will be in contact by phone within a week of this letter to discuss your initial interest in hosting a heat as well as being available to answer any questions you may have. His contact details are:
David Ghostboy Stavanger
Slam Coordinator 2009
Phone: 0409 66 9391
E-mail: holyghostboy@aapt.net.au
Public Libraries interested in hosting a heat in 2009 will then need to respond to this invitation in writing by Monday 30 March 2009. Your response should include:
Please send your written (or emailed) response to:
Katherine Gardiner
Events Co-ordinator
Public Programs
State Library of Queensland
PO Box 3488 South Brisbane QLD 4101 Australia
Phone: +61 7 3840 7307
Fax: +61 7 3840 7860
E-mail: katherine.gardiner@slq.qld.
Can’t find time to write?
Can’t get enough of our writing exercises?
Need space and quiet to escape the daily grind and embrace your creativity?
Would you love to escape to a retreat on the banks of a river to work on your masterpiece twice a month?
Writers in Townsville Society is proud to announce the introduction of WRITING DAYS on alternate Wednesdays. 2 Hours of quiet writing time at the Riverside Community centre from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm & then tea/coffee and open session to discuss the craft and your projects with fellow writers from 9.30 pm onwards.
For further enquiries contact witsnq@gmail.com
Please note WITS sessions following The Regular Format will alternate with the WRITING days.