I lie on a blanket in a grassy field
Surrounded by a stand of magnificent trees;
Closing my eyes to the sights now revealed
Feeling the kiss of the early morning breeze
My naked body absorbs the warmth
Radiating from the sun that's rising at last
Filling my being with life giving force
Drained by physical labours now past.
I hear water flowing in a nearby brook
Bouncing and bubbling over leaves in decay
Caressing each pebble as it passes each nook
Tumbling and falling over rocks in its way.
Bellbird's melodies tinkle down from the trees
Playing their part in nature's sweet song;
A medley of notes, trying always to please
A continuum of sound echoing all day long.
The camp fire still burns, its place in the shade
Exuding fragrant aromas from cooking and smoke
That Eucalyptus leaves and pine cones have made,
Warming a billy of water to wash and to soak.
My opening eyes play on horizons afar
Such expansive boundaries for man to cross,
Shimmering haze at distance with eyes just ajar
Images and objects distorted, fine details are lost.
May this peace and tranquillity continue forever,
This beautiful country pleases and eases the fervour.
It permeates and overpowers me in this glorious weather
For paradise on earth I need travel no further.
This has to be life at its glorious best
Worries and cares forever gone
Where naught needed but relaxation and rest
While I'm here in heaven on this glorious morn.
Poem by Peter Hurst, Drawing by Rae Enever